

dh_shlibdeps - calculate shared library dependencies


dh_shlibdeps [debhelperoptions] [-Lpackage] [-ldirectory] [-Xitem]


dh_shlibdeps is a debhelper program that is responsible for calculating shared library dependencies for packages.

This program is merely a wrapper around dpkg-shlibdeps(1) that calls it once for each package listed in the control file, passing it a list of ELF executables and shared libraries it has found.


-Xitem, --exclude=item
Exclude files that contain "item" anywhere in their filename from
being passed to dpkg-shlibdeps. This will make their dependencies
be ignored. This may be useful in some situations, but use it with caution. This option may be used more than once to exclude more
than one thing.
-- params
Pass "params" to dpkg-shlibdeps(1).
-uparams, --dpkg-shlibdeps-params=params
This is another way to pass params to dpkg-deb(1). It is deprecated; use -- instead.
With recent versions of dpkg-shlibdeps, this option is generally
not needed.
Before dpkg-shlibdeps is run, LD_LIBRARY_PATH will have added to it the specified directory (or directories -- separate with colons).
With recent versions of dpkg-shlibdeps, this is mostly only useful for packages that build multiple flavors of the same library, or
other situations where the library is installed into a directory
not on the regular library search path.
-Lpackage, --libpackage=package
With recent versions of dpkg-shlibdeps, this option is generally
not needed, unless your package builds multiple flavors of the same library.
It tells dpkg-shlibdeps (via its -S parameter) to look first in the package build directory for the specified package, when searching
for libraries, symbol files, and shlibs files.


Suppose that your source package produces libfoo1, libfoo-dev, and
libfoo-bin binary packages. libfoo-bin links against libfoo1, and
should depend on it. In your rules file, first run dh_makeshlibs, then dh_shlibdeps:
This will have the effect of generating automatically a shlibs file for libfoo1, and using that file and the libfoo1 library in the
debian/libfoo1/usr/lib directory to calculate shared library dependency information.
If a libbar1 package is also produced, that is an alternate build of
libfoo, and is installed into /usr/lib/bar/, you can make libfoo-bin
depend on libbar1 as follows:

dh_shlibdeps -Llibbar1 -l/usr/lib/bar


debhelper(7), dpkg-shlibdeps(1)

This program is a part of debhelper.


Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>
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