

dpkg-checkbuilddeps - check build dependencies and conflicts


dpkg-checkbuilddeps [options] [control-file]


This program checks the installed packages in the system against the build dependencies and build conflicts listed in the control file. If any are not met, it displays them and exits with a nonzero return code.

By default, debian/control is read, but an alternate control filename may be specified on the command line.


Change the location of the dpkg database. The default location is /var/lib/dpkg.
-B Ignore Build-Depends-Indep lines. Use when no arch-indep pack
ages will be built.
-d build-depends-string
-c build-conflicts-string
Use the given build dependencies/conflicts instead of those contained in the debian/control file.
-h, --help
Show the usage message and exit.
Show the version and exit.


Copyright (C) 2001 Joey Hess

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