fhostcmd, fhost - set environment variables
fhostcmd [-d delay] [-p local port] [-l local directory] [-o timeout] [-t trace] [-w password] [-f filename] [-h number | name] [-c | -b] [host port [directory] | abbreviation] fhost [-d delay] [-p local port] [-l local directory] [-o timeout] [-t trace] [-w password] [-f filename] [-h number | name] [-c | -b] [host port [directory] | abbreviation]
fhost uses a resources files to set all environmant variables needed to
connect to a given host via FSP. If a -f option is given, the given
filename is also used as resources file. fhost loads all available
resource files. If server is defined in multiple files, first match is
returned. Load order is .fsp_prof in the current working directory and
in the user's home directory. Then a system wide default file is used.
If fhost is invoked with an abbreviation given, the resource files are
searched for the first host to match this abbreviation. The values
given for this host will be set.
If fhost is invoked with a given host and port number, this host will
be used and no searching in the resource file will be done.
Setting up the host the user can change between using the host name or
the internet address. In case only one is given and the other should be
used fhost tries to find it using a built in mini-nslookup facility.
The default is to use what is given and to use the number if both are
Since programs cannot change environment variables of their parent
shell in a simple way, it is recommended that the user defines a shell
alias or function to make it possible. csh example:
alias fhost 'eval `fhostcmd *`'
For more information about the resource file confer fsp_prof(5).
Here's just a short example of how it works. If your resource file contains the following
host seismo.soar.cs.cmu.edu
fsp port 30
local directory ~/sources/fsp-266.1
trace off
a call of fhost seismo in csh will produce the following output to be
unsetenv FSP_TRACE;
setenv FSP_PORT 30;
setenv FSP_LOCAL_DIR ~/sources/fsp-266.1;
setenv FSP_HOST seismo.soar.cs.cmu.edu;
setenv FSP_DIR /;
-d -- set FSP_DELAY to delay
-p -- set FSP_LOCALPORT to local port
-l -- set FSP_LOCAL_DIR to local directory
-o -- set FSP_TIMEOUT to timeout
-t -- set FSP_TRACE if trace = on, unset it if trace = off
-p -- set FSP_PASSWORD to password
-f -- use filename as resource file
-b -- output Bourne shell code
-c -- output C shell code
The environment variables associate this program with a FSP database
and are set (resp. unset) if needed. See fsp_env(7) for list.