macunpack - Macintosh file de-archiver


macunpack [ - options ] [ file ]


macunpack takes the Macintosh MacBinary archive specified in file (or standard input if none is specified) and extracts the files it contains subject to the options specified. The program will also accept the data fork of the archive for some kinds of archive as standard input.


In the absence of any options, macunpack takes the specified archive and silently extracts the file(s) it contains into MacBinary format, giving the output files ".bin" extensions and placing them in the current working directory. Subdirectories are created for embedded folders.

-3 Write files in fork format (.info, .data and .rsrc files.)

-f As -3, but empty data and rsrc files are not created.

-r Write resource forks only (.rsrc files.)

-d Write data forks only (.data files.)

-u As -d, but the codes for CR and LF are interchanged, the file
name extension is .text.
-U As -u, but there is no filename extension.
-a Write files in AppleShare format. This option is only valid if
the program is compiled with support for some form of AppleShare. The current directory must be a valid AppleShare folder.
-s Write extracted files to standard output in MacBinary format.
-l List every file extracted (and every directory/folder created
-v Like -l, but more verbose (implies -l.)
-i Do not extract, give information only (implies -l.)
-q Ask the user for every file/folder whether it should be
extracted (implies -l.)
-V Gives the patchlevel of the program, and other information.
Other options are ignored and the program quits immediately.
-H Give short information about the options. Other options are
ignored and the program quits immediately.


As this is a beta release, there may still be some problems. Archives that are password protected and multi-file archives are not dealt with.




Dik T. Winter, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (

Parts of the code are based on codes from: Steve Davies, Rahul Dhesi, Casper H.S. Dik, Jim McKie, Mark G. Mendel, Haruhiko Okumura, Joe Orost, Samuel H. Smith, Yooichi Tagawa, Spencer W. Thomas, Ken Turkowski, Allan G. Weber, James A. Woods and Haruyasu Yoshizaki.
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