

tagcolledit - GUI editor for tagged collections


tagcolledit [options] [file]


tagcolledit is GUI editor for tagged collections. It can
be used for heavy-duty editing tagged collections, and as a
tagged collection viewer.
If called without a name for the file to read, tagcolledit
tries to load the debian package tags database found in the sys
tem. Please see http://deb-usability.alioth.debian.org/debtags
for more informations about the Debian Package Tags system.
Please see tagcoll(1) for a description of a tagged col
lection and of the format of the tagged collection input file.


This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax,
with long options starting with two dashes (`-').
--help Print an help message and exit.
Print the program version and exit.
Print informational messages about the program op
erations to standard error.
Print debug messages to standard error.


The interface of tagcolledit, modeled after a style of in
teraction similar to Midnight Commander, is composed of two pan
els which give two views of the same tagged collection.
Every panel is then divided in two parts: the Tag Selector
and the Item List.
The Item List shows all the items that have all the tags
currently selected in the Tag Selector attached to them.
The The Tag Selector manage the selection if "current"
tags. It is a list of all the available tags divided in three
groups: Selected, Available and Unavailable. A tag can be moved
back and forth from the Selected and the Available group by dou
ble-clicking on it.
The Selected group shows a list of tags that have been se
The Available group shows a list of tags that can be se
The Unavailable group shows a list of tags that cannot be
selected, because adding one of them to the Selected group would
make a set of tags that cannot be found attached to any item in
the collection.
To add a tag to a set of items, select them in the Item
List and drop on them a tag dragged from a Tag Selector.
You can merge or intersect the set of tags of a group of
items by selecting the items and then use the Merge and Intersect
options of the Edit menu.
You can "copy" and "move" items from a panel to the other
via the Edit menu. "copy" and "move" are written in quotes be
cause they only appear as copy and move operations, but instead
they work as follows:
"copy" adds to the items all the tags currently selected
in the other panel (this causing the items to also appear in the
other panel).
"move" replaces the tag sets of the items with the tags
currently selected in the other panel (this causing them to dis
appear in the active panel and to appear in the other panel).


tagcoll(1), debtags(1)


tagcolledit has been written by Enrico Zini <enrico@de
bian.org> for the purpose of experimenting with tagged collec
tions and related algorithms: all possible feedback and ideas are
thus more than welcome.
0.2 May 23, 2003
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