- dbm_clearerr, dbm_close, dbm_delete, dbm_dirfno, dbm_error,
- dbm_fetch,
dbm_firstkey, dbm_nextkey, dbm_open, dbm_pagfno, dbm_store
- database
access methods
#include <ndbm.h>
dbm_clearerr(DBM *db);
dbm_close(DBM *db);
dbm_delete(DBM *db, datum key);
dbm_dirfno(DBM *db);
dbm_error(DBM *db);
dbm_fetch(DBM *db, datum key);
dbm_firstkey(DBM *db);
dbm_nextkey(DBM *db);
dbm_open(const char *file, int flags, int mode);
dbm_pagfno(DBM *db);
dbm_store(DBM *db, datum key, datum content, int
- These functions provide a ndbm-compatible interface to the
- database
access methods described in db(3). Each unique record in
- the database is
a key/content pair, the components of which may be any arbi
- trary binary
data. The key and the content data are described by the
- datum data
typedef struct {
char *dptr;
int dsize;
- } datum
- The dbm_open() function is used to open a database in the
- file named by
file, suffixed with DBM_SUFFIX (`.db'). If necessary, the
- file is cre
ated with mode mode. Access to this file depends on the
- flags parameter
(see open(2)). Read-only access may be indicated by speci
- fying
- Once the database is open, dbm_fetch() is used to retrieve
- the data con
tent associated with the key key. Similarly, dbm_store() is
- used to
store the content data with the key key. When storing, the
- store_mode
parameter must be one of:
DBM_INSERT Only insert new keys into the database.
- Existing
key/content pairs are untouched.
- DBM_REPLACE Replace any existing entry with the same
- key. Any
- previously stored records with the same
- key are lost.
- The dbm_delete() function removes the key key and its asso
- ciated content
from the database.
- The functions dbm_firstkey() and dbm_nextkey() are used to
- iterate over
all of the records in the database. Each record will be
- reached exactly
once, but in no particular order. The dbm_firstkey() func
- tion returns
the first record of the database, and thereafter
- dbm_nextkey() returns
the following records. The following code traverses the en
- tire database:
for (key = dbm_firstkey(db); key.dptr != NULL; key =
- dbm_nextkey(db))
- The behaviour of dbm_nextkey() is undefined if the database
- is modified
after a call to dbm_firstkey().
- The dbm_error() function returns the last error condition of
- the
database, or 0 if no error had occurred or had been cleared.
- The
dbm_clearerr() function clears the error condition of the
- database.
- The dbm_dirfno() function is used to find the file descrip
- tor associated
with the directory file of an open database. Since a direc
- tory bitmap
file is not used in this implementation, this function re
- turns the file
descriptor of the database file opened with dbm_open().
- The dbm_pagfno() function is used to find the file descrip
- tor associated
with the page file of an open database. Since a page file
- is not used in
this implementation, this function is implemented as a macro
- that always
returns the (undefined) value DBM_PAGFNO_NOT_AVAILABLE.
- The database is closed with the dbm_close() function.
- Thereafter, the db
handle is invalid.
- Implementation notes
- The underlying database is a hash(3) database with a bucket
- size of 4096,
a filling factor of 40, default hashing function and cache
- size, and uses
the host's native byte order.
- Upon successful completion, all functions that return int
- return a value
of 0, otherwise a negative value is returned.
- Routines that return a datum indicate errors by setting the
- dptr field to
- The dbm_open() function returns NULL on error, and sets
- errno appropri
ately. On success, it returns a handle to the database that
- should be
used as the db argument in the other functions.
- The dbm_store() function returns 1 when it is called with a
- flags value
of DBM_INSERT and a record with the specified key already
- exists.
- If an error occurs, the error can be retrieved with
- dbm_error() and cor
responds to those errors described in db(3).
- open(2), db(3), hash(3)
- BSD May 13, 1998