keynote - a trust-management system
#include <sys/types.h> #include <regex.h> #include <keynote.h> Link options: -lkeynote -lm -lcrypto
For more details on KeyNote, see RFC 2704.
- Details on the API, assertion syntax, and command-line tool
- are given in the man pages listed at the end of this manual.
- Trust management, introduced in the PolicyMaker system, is a
- unified approach to specifying and interpreting security poli
- cies, credentials, and relationships; it allows direct authoriza
- tion of security-critical actions. A trust-management system pro
- vides standard, general-purpose mechanisms for specifying appli
- cation security policies and credentials. Trust-management cre
- dentials describe a specific delegation of trust and subsume the
- role of public key certificates; unlike traditional certificates,
- which bind keys to names, credentials can bind keys directly to
- the authorization to perform specific tasks.
- A trust-management system has five basic components:
- * A language for describing `actions,' which are operations
- with
- security consequences that are to be controlled by the
- system.
- * A mechanism for identifying `principals,' which are enti
- ties that
- can be authorized to perform actions.
- * A language for specifying application `policies,' which
- govern the
- actions that principals are authorized to perform.
- * A language for specifying `credentials,' which allow prin
- cipals
- to delegate authorization to other principals.
- * A `compliance checker,' which provides a service to appli
- cations
- for determining how an action requested by principals
- should be
handled, given a policy and a set of credentials. - The trust-management approach has a number of advantages
- over other mechanisms for specifying and controlling authoriza
- tion, especially when security policy is distributed over a net
- work or is otherwise decentralized.
- Trust management unifies the notions of security policy,
- credentials, access control, and authorization. An application
- that uses a trust-management system can simply ask the compliance
- checker whether a requested action should be allowed. Further
- more, policies and credentials are written in standard languages
- that are shared by all trust-managed applications; the security
- configuration mechanism for one application carries exactly the
- same syntactic and semantic structure as that of another, even
- when the semantics of the applications themselves are quite dif
- ferent.
- Trust-management policies are easy to distribute across net
- works, helping to avoid the need for application-specific dis
- tributed policy configuration mechanisms, access control lists,
- and certificate parsers and interpreters.
- For a general discussion of the use of trust management in
- distributed system security, see the papers listed at the end of
- this manual.
- KeyNote is a simple and flexible trust-management system de
- signed to work well for a variety of large- and small- scale In
- ternet-based applications. It provides a single, unified language
- for both local policies and credentials. KeyNote policies and
- credentials, called `assertions,' contain predicates that de
- scribe the trusted actions permitted by the holders of specific
- public keys. KeyNote assertions are essentially small, highly
- structured programs. A signed assertion, which can be sent over
- an untrusted network, is also called a `credential assertion.'
- Credential assertions, which also serve the role of certificates,
- have the same syntax as policy assertions but are also signed by
- the principal delegating the trust.
- In KeyNote:
- * Actions are specified as a collection of name-value pairs.
- * Principal names can be any convenient string and can di
- rectly
- represent cryptographic public keys.
- * The same language is used for both policies and creden
- tials.
- * The policy and credential language is concise, highly ex
- pressive,
- human readable and writable, and compatible with a variety
- of
storage and transmission media, including electronic mail. - * The compliance checker returns an application-configured
- `policy
- compliance value' that describes how a request should be
- handled
by the application. Policy compliance values are always
positively derived from policy and credentials, facilitat - ing
analysis of KeyNote-based systems. - * Compliance checking is efficient enough for high-perfor
- mance and
- real-time applications.
- In KeyNote, the authority to perform trusted actions is as
- sociated with one or more `principals.' A principal may be a
- physical entity, a process in an operating system, a public key,
- or any other convenient abstraction. KeyNote principals are iden
- tified by a string called a `Principal Identifier.' In some cas
- es, a Principal Identifier will contain a cryptographic key in
- terpreted by the KeyNote system (e.g., for credential signature
- verification). In other cases, Principal Identifiers may have a
- structure that is opaque to KeyNote.
- Principals perform two functions of concern to KeyNote: They
- request `actions' and they issue `assertions.' Actions are any
- trusted operations that an application places under KeyNote con
- trol. Assertions delegate the authorization to perform actions
- to other principals.
- Actions are described to the KeyNote compliance checker in
- terms of a collection of name-value pairs called an `action at
- tribute set.' The action attribute set is created by the invoking
- application. Its structure and format are described in detail
- elsewhere of this document.
- KeyNote provides advice to applications on the interpreta
- tion of policy with regard to specific requested actions. Appli
- cations invoke the KeyNote compliance checker by issuing a
- `query' containing a proposed action attribute set and identify
- ing the principal(s) requesting it. The KeyNote system determines
- and returns an appropriate `policy compliance value' from an or
- dered set of possible responses.
- The policy compliance value returned from a KeyNote query
- advises the application how to process the requested action. In
- the simplest case, the compliance value is Boolean (e.g., "re
- ject" or "approve"). Assertions can also be written to select
- from a range of possible compliance values, when appropriate for
- the application (e.g., "no access", "restricted access", "full
- access"). Applications can configure the relative ordering (from
- `weakest' to `strongest') of compliance values at query time.
- Assertions are the basic programming unit for specifying
- policy and delegating authority. Assertions describe the condi
- tions under which a principal authorizes actions requested by
- other principals. An assertion identifies the principal that made
- it, which other principals are being authorized, and the condi
- tions under which the authorization applies. The syntax of asser
- tions is given keynote(5).
- A special principal, whose identifier is "POLICY", provides
- the root of trust in KeyNote. "POLICY" is therefore considered to
- be authorized to perform any action.
- Assertions issued by the "POLICY" principal are called `pol
- icy assertions' and are used to delegate authority to otherwise
- untrusted principals. The KeyNote security policy of an applica
- tion consists of a collection of policy assertions.
- When a principal is identified by a public key, it can digi
- tally sign assertions and distribute them over untrusted networks
- for use by other KeyNote compliance checkers. These signed asser
- tions are also called `credentials,' and serve a role similar to
- that of traditional public key certificates. Policies and creden
- tials share the same syntax and are evaluated according to the
- same semantics. A principal can therefore convert its policy as
- sertions into credentials simply by digitally signing them.
- KeyNote is designed to encourage the creation of human-read
- able policies and credentials that are amenable to transmission
- and storage over a variety of media. Its assertion syntax is in
- spired by the format of RFC822-style message headers. A KeyNote
- assertion contains a sequence of sections, called `fields,' each
- of which specifying one aspect of the assertion's semantics.
- Fields start with an identifier at the beginning of a line and
- continue until the next field is encountered. For example:
KeyNote-Version: 2
Comment: A simple, if contrived, email certificate for us- er mab
Local-Constants: ATT_CA_key = "RSA:acdfa1df1011bbac"mab_key = "DSA:deadbeefcafe001a" - Authorizer: ATT_CA_key
Licensees: mab_key
Conditions: ((app_domain == "email") # valid for email - only
&& (address == ""));
- Signature: "RSA-SHA1:f00f2244"
- For the exact meanings of all the fields, see the RFC refer
- ence at the end of this manual, and/or keynote(5).
- KeyNote semantics resolve the relationship between an appli
- cation's policy and actions requested by other principals, as
- supported by credentials. The KeyNote compliance checker process
- es the assertions against the action attribute set to determine
- the policy compliance value of a requested action. These seman
- tics are defined later in this document.
- An important principle in KeyNote's design is `assertion
- monotonicity'; the policy compliance value of an action is always
- positively derived from assertions made by trusted principals.
- Removing an assertion never results in increasing the compliance
- value returned by KeyNote for a given query. The monotonicity
- property can simplify the design and analysis of complex network
- based security protocols; network failures that prevent the
- transmission of credentials can never result in spurious autho
- rization of dangerous actions.
- Trusted actions to be evaluated by KeyNote are described by
- a collection of name-value pairs called the `action attribute
- set'. Action attributes are the mechanism by which applications
- communicate requests to KeyNote and are the primary objects on
- which KeyNote assertions operate. An action attribute set is
- passed to the KeyNote compliance checker with each query.
- Each action attribute consists of a name and a value. The
- semantics of the names and values are not interpreted by KeyNote
- itself; they vary from application to application and must be
- agreed upon by the writers of applications and the writers of the
- policies and credentials that will be used by them.
- Action attribute names and values are represented by arbi
- trary-length strings. KeyNote guarantees support of attribute
- names and values up to 2048 characters long. Applications and as
- sertions should therefore avoid depending on the use of at
- tributes with names or values longer than 2048 characters.
- Attribute values are inherently untyped and are represented
- as character strings by default. Attribute values may contain any
- non- NUL ASCII character. Numeric attribute values should first
- be converted to an ASCII text representation by the invoking ap
- plication, e.g., the value 1234.5 would be represented by the
- string "1234.5".
- An <AttributeID> begins with an alphabetic or underscore
- character and can be followed by any number of alphanumerics and
- underscores. Attribute names are case-sensitive.
- If an action attribute is not defined its value is consid
- ered to be the empty string.
- Attribute names beginning with the "_" character are re
- served for use by the KeyNote runtime environment and cannot be
- passed from applications as part of queries. The following spe
- cial attribute names are used:
- Lowest-order (minimum) compliance value in query.
- Highest-order (maximum) compliance value in query.
- Linearly ordered set of compliance value in query.
- Names of principals directly authorizing action in
- query. Comma separated.
- In addition, attributes with names of the form "_<N>", where
- <N> is an ASCII-encoded integer, are used by the regular expres
- sion matching mechanism described in keynote(5).
- By convention, the name of the application domain over which
- action attributes should be interpreted is given in the attribute
- named "app_domain". The IANA (or some other suitable authority)
- will provide a registry of reserved app_domain names. The reg
- istry will list the names and meanings of each application's at
- tributes.
- The app_domain convention helps to ensure that credentials
- are interpreted as they were intended. An attribute with any giv
- en name may be used in many different application domains but
- might have different meanings in each of them. However, the use
- of a global registry is not always required for small-scale,
- closed applications; the only requirement is that the policies
- and credentials made available to the KeyNote compliance checker
- interpret attributes according to the same semantics assumed by
- the application that created them.
- For example, an email application might reserve the app_do
- main "RFC822-EMAIL" and might use the attributes named "address"
- (the mail address of a message's sender), "name" (the human name
- of the message sender), and any "organization" headers present
- (the organization name). The values of these attributes would be
- derived in the obvious way from the email message headers. The
- public key of the message's signer would be given in the "_AC
- TION_AUTHORIZERS" attribute.
- The discussion in the following sections assume some famil
- iarity with assertion syntax. Please refer to keynote(5) for more
- details on the syntax.
A KeyNote query has four parameters:
* The identifier of the principal(s) requesting the action.
* The action attribute set describing the action.
- * The set of compliance values of interest to the applica
- tion,
- ordered from _MIN_TRUST to _MAX_TRUST
- * The policy and credential assertions that should be in
- cluded in
- the evaluation.
- The mechanism for passing these parameters to the KeyNote
- evaluator is application dependent. In particular, an evaluator
- might provide for some parameters to be passed explicitly, while
- others are looked up externally (e.g., credentials might be
- looked up in a network- based distribution system), while still
- others might be requested from the application as needed by the
- evaluator, through a `callback' mechanism (e.g., for attribute
- values that represent values from among a very large namespace).
- At least one Principal must be identified in each query as
- the `requester' of the action. Actions may be requested by sever
- al principals, each considered to have individually requested it.
- This allows policies that require multiple authorizations, e.g.,
- `two person control'. The set of authorizing principals is made
- available in the special attribute "_ACTION_AUTHORIZERS"; if sev
- eral principals are authorizers, their identifiers are separated
- with commas.
- The set of compliance values of interest to an application
- (and their relative ranking to one another) is determined by the
- invoking application and passed to the KeyNote evaluator as a pa
- rameter of the query. In many applications, this will be Boolean,
- e.g., the ordered sets {FALSE, TRUE} or {REJECT, APPROVE}. Other
- applications may require a range of possible values, e.g.,
- {No_Access, Limited_Access, Full_Access}. Note that applications
- should include in this set only compliance value names that are
- actually returned by the assertions.
- The lowest-order and highest-order compliance value strings
- given in the query are available in the special attributes named
- "_MIN_TRUST" and "_MAX_TRUST", respectively. The complete set of
- query compliance values is made available in ascending order
- (from _MIN_TRUST to _MAX_TRUST) in the special attribute named
- "_VALUES". Values are separated with commas; applications that
- use assertions that make use of the _VALUES attribute should
- therefore avoid the use of compliance value strings that them
- selves contain commas.
- Principal identifier comparisons among Cryptographic Princi
- pal Identifiers (that represent keys) in the Authorizer and Li
- censees fields or in an action's direct authorizers are performed
- after normalizing them by conversion to a canonical form.
- Every cryptographic algorithm used in KeyNote defines a
- method for converting keys to their canonical form and that spec
- ifies how the comparison for equality of two keys is performed.
- If the algorithm named in the identifier is unknown to KeyNote,
- the identifier is treated as opaque.
- Opaque identifiers are compared as case-sensitive strings.
- Notice that use of opaque identifiers in the Authorizer
- field requires that the assertion's integrity be locally trusted
- (since it cannot be cryptographically verified by the compliance
- checker).
- The Policy Compliance Value of a query is the Principal Com
- pliance Value of the principal named "POLICY".
- The Compliance Value of a principal <X> is the highest order
- (maximum) of:
- - the Direct Authorization Value of principal <X>; and
- - the Assertion Compliance Values of all assertions identi
- fying
- <X> in the Authorizer field.
- The Direct Authorization Value of a principal <X> is
- _MAX_TRUST if <X> is listed in the query as an authorizer of the
- action. Otherwise, the Direct Authorization Value of <X> is
- The Assertion Compliance Value of an assertion is the lowest
- order (minimum) of the assertion's Conditions Compliance Value
- and its Licensee Compliance Value.
- The Conditions Compliance Value of an assertion is the high
- est-order (maximum) value among all successful clauses listed in
- the conditions section.
- If no clause's test succeeds or the Conditions field is emp
- ty, an assertion's Conditions Compliance Value is considered to
- be the _MIN_TRUST value, as described previously.
- If an assertion's Conditions field is missing entirely, its
- Conditions Compliance Value is considered to be the _MAX_TRUST
- value, as defined previously.
- The set of successful test clause values is calculated as
- follows:
- Recall from the grammar of the Conditions field (see
- keynote(5) for more details) that each clause in the conditions
- section has two logical parts: a `test' and an optional `value',
- which, if present, is separated from the test with the "->" to
- ken. The test subclause is a predicate that either succeeds
- (evaluates to logical `true') or fails (evaluates to logical
- `false'). The value subclause is a string expression that evalu
- ates to one value from the ordered set of compliance values given
- with the query. If the value subclause is missing, it is consid
- ered to be _MAX_TRUST. That is, the clause
foo=="bar";- is equivalent to
foo=="bar" -> _MAX_TRUST;- If the value component of a clause is present, in the sim
- plest case it contains a string expression representing a possi
- ble compliance value. For example, consider an assertion with
- the following Conditions field:
Conditions:@user_id == 0 -> "full_access"; #clause (1)
@user_id < 1000 -> "user_access"; #clause (2)
@user_id < 10000 -> "guest_access"; #clause (3)
user_name == "root" -> "full_access"; #clause (4)- Here, if the value of the "user_id" attribute is "1073" and
- the "user_name" attribute is "root", the possible compliance val
- ue set would contain the values "guest_access" (by clause (3))
- and "full_access" (by clause (4)). If the ordered set of compli
- ance values given in the query (in ascending order) is {"no_ac
- cess", "guest_access", "user_access", "full_access"}, the Condi
- tions Compliance Value of the assertion would be "full_access"
- (because "full_access" has a higher-order value than "guest_ac
- cess"). If the "user_id" attribute had the value "19283" and the
- "user_name" attribute had the value "nobody", no clause would
- succeed and the Conditions Compliance Value would be "no_access",
- which is the lowest-order possible value (_MIN_TRUST).
- If a clause lists an explicit value, its value string must
- be named in the query ordered compliance value set. Values not
- named in the query compliance value set are considered equivalent
- to _MIN_TRUST.
- The value component of a clause can also contain recursive
- ly-nested clauses. Recursively-nested clauses are evaluated only
- if their parent test is true. That is,
a=="b" -> { b=="c" -> "value1";d=="e" -> "value2";
true -> "value3"; } ;- is equivalent to
(a=="b") && (b=="c") -> "value1";
(a=="b") && (d=="e") -> "value2";
(a=="b") -> "value3";- Notice that string comparisons are case-sensitive.
- A regular expression comparison ("~=") is considered true if
- the left-hand-side string expression matches the right-hand-side
- regular expression. If the POSIX regular expression group match
- ing scheme is used, the number of groups matched is placed in the
- temporary meta- attribute "_0" (dereferenced as _0), and each
- match is placed in sequence in the temporary attributes (_1, _2,
- ..., _N). These match-attributes' values are valid only within
- subsequent references made within the same clause. Regular ex
- pression evaluation is case- sensitive.
- A runtime error occurring in the evaluation of a test, such
- as division by zero or an invalid regular expression, causes the
- test to be considered false. For example:
foo == "bar" -> {@a == 1/0 -> "oneval"; # subclause 1
@a == 2 -> "anotherval"; # subclause 2- };
- Here, subclause 1 triggers a runtime error. Subclause 1 is
- therefore false (and has the value _MIN_TRUST). Subclause 2, how
- ever, would be evaluated normally.
- An invalid <RegExpr> is considered a runtime error and caus
- es the test in which it occurs to be considered false.
- The Licensee Compliance Value of an assertion is calculated
- by evaluating the expression in the Licensees field, based on the
- Principal Compliance Value of the principals named there.
- If an assertion's Licensees field is empty, its Licensee
- Compliance Value is considered to be _MIN_TRUST. If an asser
- tion's Licensees field is missing altogether, its Licensee Com
- pliance Value is considered to be _MAX_TRUST.
- For each principal named in the Licensees field, its Princi
- pal Compliance Value is substituted for its name. If no Principal
- Compliance Value can be found for some named principal, its name
- is substituted with the _MIN_TRUST value.
- The licensees expression (see keynote(5)) is evaluated as
- follows:
- * A "(...)" expression has the value of the enclosed subex
- pression.
- * A "&&" expression has the lower-order (minimum) of its two
- subexpression values.
- * A "||" expression has the higher-order (maximum) of its
- two
- subexpression values.
- * A "<K>-of(<List>)" expression has the K-th highest order
- compliance value listed in <list>. Values that appear
- multiple
times are counted with multiplicity. For example, if K = - 3 and
the orders of the listed compliance values are (0, 1, 2, - 2, 3),
the value of the expression is the compliance value of or - der 2.
- For example, consider the following Licensees field:
Licensees: ("alice" && "bob") || "eve"- If the Principal Compliance Value is "yes" for principal
- "alice", "no" for principal "bob", and "no" for principal "eve",
- and "yes" is higher order than "no" in the query's Compliance
- Value Set, then the resulting Licensee Compliance Value is "no".
- Observe that if there are exactly two possible compliance
- values (e.g., "false" and "true"), the rules of Licensee Compli
- ance Value resolution reduce exactly to standard Boolean logic.
- Assertions may be either signed or unsigned. Only signed as
- sertions should be used as credentials or transmitted or stored
- on untrusted media. Unsigned assertions should be used only to
- specify policy and for assertions whose integrity has already
- been verified as conforming to local policy by some mechanism ex
- ternal to the KeyNote system itself (e.g., X.509 certificates
- converted to KeyNote assertions by a trusted conversion program).
- Implementations that permit signed credentials to be veri
- fied by the KeyNote compliance checker generally provide two
- `channels' through which applications can make assertions avail
- able. Unsigned, locally-trusted assertions are provided over a
- `trusted' interface, while signed credentials are provided over
- an `untrusted' interface. The KeyNote compliance checker veri
- fies correct signatures for all assertions submitted over the un
- trusted interface. The integrity of KeyNote evaluation requires
- that only assertions trusted as reflecting local policy are sub
- mitted to KeyNote via the trusted interface.
- Note that applications that use KeyNote exclusively as a lo
- cal policy specification mechanism need use only trusted asser
- tions. Other applications might need only a small number of in
- frequently changed trusted assertions to `bootstrap' a policy
- whose details are specified in signed credentials issued by oth
- ers and submitted over the untrusted interface.
- A policy that delegates authority for the "SPEND" applica
- tion domain to RSA key dab212 when the amount given in the "dol
- lars" attribute is less than 10000.
Authorizer: "POLICY"
Licensees: "RSA:dab212" # the CFO's key
Conditions: (app_domain=="SPEND") && (@dollars <- 10000);
- RSA key dab212 delegates authorization to any two signers,
- from a list, one of which must be DSA key feed1234 in the "SPEND"
- application when @dollars < 7500. If the amount in @dollars is
- 2500 or greater, the request is approved but logged.
KeyNote-Version: 2
Comment: This credential specifies a spending policy
Authorizer: "RSA:dab212" # the CFO
Licensees: "DSA:feed1234" && # The vice president("RSA:abc123" || # middle manager #1"DSA:bcd987" || # middle manager #2
"DSA:cde333" || # middle manager #3
"DSA:def975" || # middle manager #4
"DSA:978add") # middle manager #5Conditions: (app_domain=="SPEND") # note nestedclauses-> { (@(dollars) < 2500)-> _MAX_TRUST;(@(dollars) < 7500)-> "ApproveAndLog";};Signature: "RSA-SHA1:9867a1"- According to this policy, any two signers from the list of
- managers will do if @(dollars) < 1000:
KeyNote-Version: 2
Authorizer: "POLICY"
Licensees: 2-of("DSA:feed1234", # The VP"RSA:abc123", # Middle managementclones
"DSA:978add")- Conditions: (app_domain=="SPEND") &&
(@(dollars) < 1000);
- A credential from dab212 with a similar policy, but only one
- signer is required if @(dollars) < 500. A log entry is made if
- the amount is at least 100.
KeyNote-Version: 2
Comment: This one credential is equivalent to six- separate
credentials, one for each VP and middlemanager.
Individually, they can spend up to $500,but if
it's $100 or more, we log it. - Authorizer: "RSA:dab212" # From the CFO
Licensees: "DSA:feed1234" || # The VP"RSA:abc123" || # The middle management clones
"DSA:978add" - Conditions: (app_domain="SPEND") # nested clauses
-> { (@(dollars) < 100) -> _MAX_TRUST;(@(dollars) < 500) -> "ApproveAndLog";};
- Signature: "RSA-SHA1:186123"
- Assume a query in which the ordered set of Compliance Values
- is {"Reject", "ApproveAndLog", "Approve"}. Under policies E and
- G, and credentials F and H, the Policy Compliance Value is "Ap
- prove" (_MAX_TRUST) when:
app_domain = "SPEND"
dollars = "45"
unmentioned_attribute = "whatever"- and
- _ACTION_AUTHORIZERS = "RSA:abc123,DSA:cde333"
app_domain = "SPEND"
dollars = "550" - The following return "ApproveAndLog":
_ACTION_AUTHORIZERS = "DSA:feed1234,DSA:cde333"
app_domain = "SPEND"
dollars = "5500"- and
app_domain = "SPEND"
dollars = "150" - However, the following return "Reject" (_MIN_TRUST):
app_domain = "SPEND"
dollars = "550"- and
- _ACTION_AUTHORIZERS = "DSA:cde333,DSA:978add"
app_domain = "SPEND"
dollars = "5500"
keynote(1), keynote(3), keynote(5)
- ``The KeyNote Trust-Management System, Version 2''
- M. Blaze, J. Feigenbaum, A. D. Keromytis, Internet
- Drafts, RFC 2704.
- ``Decentralized Trust Management''
- M. Blaze, J. Feigenbaum, J. Lacy, 1996 IEEE Confer
- ence on Privacy and Security
- ``Compliance-Checking in the PolicyMaker Trust Management
- System''
- M. Blaze, J. Feigenbaum, M. Strauss, 1998 Financial
- Crypto Conference
Angelos D. Keromytis (
- None that we know of. If you find any, please report them
- at
- BSD May 22, 1999