

linprocfs - Linux process file system


linproc         /compat/linux/proc      linprocfs       rw 0


The Linux process file system, or linprocfs, emulates a sub
set of Linux'
process file system and is required for the complete opera
tion of some
Linux binaries.
The linprocfs provides a two-level view of process space.
At the highest
level, processes themselves are named, according to their
process ids in
decimal, with no leading zeros. There is also a special
node called self
which always refers to the process making the lookup re
Each node is a directory containing several files:
exe A reference to the vnode from which the process text
was read.
This can be used to gain access to the process' sym
bol table, or
to start another copy of the process.
mem The complete virtual memory image of the process.
Only those
addresses which exist in the process can be ac
cessed. Reads and
writes to this file modify the process. Writes to
the text segment remain private to the process.
Each node is owned by the process's user, and belongs to
that user's primary group, except for the mem node, which belongs to the
kmem group.


/compat/linux/proc The normal mount point for
/compat/linux/proc/cpuinfo CPU vendor and model infor
mation in
human-readable form.
/compat/linux/proc/meminfo System memory information
in human-read
able form.
/compat/linux/proc/pid A directory containing pro
cess informa
tion for process pid.
/compat/linux/proc/self A directory containing pro
cess informa
tion for the current pro
/compat/linux/proc/self/exe The executable image for
the current
/compat/linux/proc/self/mem The complete virtual ad
dress space of
the current process.


mount(2), unmount(2), procfs(5), mount_linprocfs(8), pseud


The linprocfs first appeared in FreeBSD 4.0.


The linprocfs was derived from procfs by Pierre Beyssac.
This manual
page was written by Dag-Erling Smorgrav, based on the
procfs(5) manual
page by Garrett Wollman.
BSD August 10, 1994
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