

procfs - process file system


proc            /proc   procfs  rw 0 0


The process file system, or procfs, implements a view of the
system process table inside the file system. It is normally mounted
on /proc, and
is required for the complete operation of programs such as
ps(1) and
The procfs provides a two-level view of process space, un
like the previous FreeBSD 1.1 procfs implementation. At the highest lev
el, processes
themselves are named, according to their process ids in dec
imal, with no
leading zeros. There is also a special node called curproc
which always
refers to the process making the lookup request.
Each node is a directory which contains the following en
Each directory contains several files:
ctl a write-only file which supports a variety of con
trol operations.
Control commands are written as strings to the ctl
file. The
control commands are:
attach stops the target process and arranges for
the sending
process to become the debug control process.
detach continue execution of the target process and
remove it
from control by the debug process (which
need not be the
sending process).
run continue running the target process until a
signal is
delivered, a breakpoint is hit, or the tar
get process
step single step the target process, with no sig
nal delivery.
wait wait for the target process to come to a
steady state
ready for debugging. The target process
must be in this
state before any of the other commands are
The string can also be the name of a signal, lower
case and without the SIG prefix, in which case that signal is de
livered to the
process (see sigaction(2)).
The procctl(8) utility can be used to clear trace
points in a
stuck process.
dbregs The debug registers as defined by struct dbregs in
dbregs is cur
rently only implemented on the i386 architecture.
etype The type of the executable referenced by the file
file A symbolic link to the file from which the process
text was read.
This can be used to gain access to the process' sym
bol table, or
to start another copy of the process. If the file
cannot be
found, the link target is `unknown'.
fpregs The floating point registers as defined by struct
fpregs in
fpregs is only implemented on machines which have
distinct general purpose and floating point register sets.
map A map of the process' virtual memory.
mem The complete virtual memory image of the process.
Only those
address which exist in the process can be accessed.
Reads and
writes to this file modify the process. Writes to
the text segment remain private to the process.
note Used for sending signals to the process. Not imple
notepg Used for sending signal to the process group. Not
regs Allows read and write access to the process' regis
ter set. This
file contains a binary data structure struct regs
defined in regs
can only be written when the process is stopped.
rlimit This is a read-only file containing the process cur
rent and maxi
mum limits. Each line is of the format rlimit
current max, with
-1 indicating infinity.
status The process status. This file is read-only and re
turns a single
line containing multiple space-separated fields as
+o command name
+o process id
+o parent process id
+o process group id
+o session id
+o major,minor of the controlling terminal, or
-1,-1 if there is
no controlling terminal.
+o a list of process flags: ctty if there is a con
trolling ter
minal, sldr if the process is a session leader,
noflags if
neither of the other two flags are set.
+o the process start time in seconds and microsec
onds, comma
+o the user time in seconds and microseconds, comma
+o the system time in seconds and microseconds,
comma separated.
+o the wait channel message
+o the process credentials consisting of the effec
tive user id
and the list of groups (whose first member is
the effective
group id) all comma separated.
+o the hostname of the jail in which the process
runs, or `-' to
indicate that the process is not running within
a jail.
In a normal debugging environment, where the target is
fork/exec'd by the
debugger, the debugger should fork and the child should stop
itself (with
a self-inflicted SIGSTOP for example). The parent should
issue a wait
and then an attach command via the appropriate ctl file.
The child process will receive a SIGTRAP immediately after the call to
exec (see
Each node is owned by the process's user, and belongs to
that user's primary group, except for the mem node, which belongs to the
kmem group.


/proc normal mount point for the procfs.
/proc/pid directory containing process informa
tion for pro
cess pid.
/proc/curproc directory containing process informa
tion for the
current process
/proc/curproc/cmdline the process executable name
/proc/curproc/ctl used to send control messages to the
/proc/curproc/etype executable type
/proc/curproc/file executable image
/proc/curproc/fpregs the process floating point register
/proc/curproc/map virtual memory map of the process
/proc/curproc/mem the complete virtual address space of
the process
/proc/curproc/note used for signaling the process
/proc/curproc/notepg used for signaling the process group
/proc/curproc/regs the process register set
/proc/curproc/rlimit the process current and maximum rlim
/proc/curproc/status the process' current status


mount(2), sigaction(2), unmount(2), mount_procfs(8), proc


This manual page written by Garrett Wollman, based on the
provided by Jan-Simon Pendry, and revamped later by Mike
BSD September 3, 2004
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