

remote - remote host description file


The systems known by tip(1) and their attributes are stored
in an ASCII
file which is structured somewhat like the termcap(5) file.
Each line in
the file provides a description for a single system. Fields
are separated by a colon (``:''). Lines ending in a character with
an immediately following newline are continued on the next line.
The first entry is the name(s) of the host system. If there
is more than
one name for a system, the names are separated by vertical
bars. After
the name of the system comes the fields of the description.
A field name
followed by an `=' sign indicates a string value. A field
name followed
by a `#' sign indicates a numeric value.
Entries named ``tip*'' and ``cu*'' are used as default en
tries by tip(1),
and the cu(1) interface to tip, as follows. When tip is in
voked with
only a phone number, it looks for an entry of the form
``tip300'', where
300 is the data rate with which the connection is to be
made. When the
cu interface is used, entries of the form ``cu300'' are


Capabilities are either strings (str), numbers (num), or
boolean flags
(bool). A string capability is specified by
capability=value; for example, ``dv=/dev/harris''. A numeric capability is specified
capability#value; for example, ``xa#99''. A boolean capa
bility is specified by simply listing the capability.
at (str) Auto call unit type.
br (num) The data rate (bits per second) used for com
munications on
the serial port. When a modem is used, the data
rate used to
communicate with the remote modem may be different
than this
rate. This is a decimal number. The default rate
is 9600 bits
per second.
cm (str) An initial connection message to be sent to
the remote
host. For example, if a host is reached through a
port selector,
this might be set to the appropriate sequence re
quired to switch
to the host.
cu (str) Call unit if making a phone call. Default is
the same as
the `dv' field.
di (str) Disconnect message sent to the host when a
disconnect is
requested by the user.
du (bool) This host is on a dial-up line.
dv (str) UNIX device(s) to open to establish a connec
tion. If this
file refers to a terminal line, tip(1) attempts to
perform an
exclusive open on the device to ensure only one user
at a time
has access to the port.
el (str) Characters marking an end-of-line. The de
fault is NULL.
`~' escapes are only recognized by tip after one of
the characters in `el', or after a carriage-return.
fs (str) Frame size for transfers. The default frame
size is equal
hd (bool) The host uses half-duplex communication, lo
cal echo should
be performed.
ie (str) Input end-of-file marks. The default is NULL.
oe (str) Output end-of-file string. The default is
NULL. When tip
is transferring a file, this string is sent at end
pa (str) The type of parity to use when sending data to
the host.
This may be one of ``even'', ``odd'', ``none'',
``zero'' (always
set bit 8 to zero), ``one'' (always set bit 8 to 1).
The default
is even parity.
pn (str) Telephone number(s) for this host. If the
telephone number
field contains an @ sign, tip searches the file
/etc/phones file
for a list of telephone numbers (see phones(5)).
tc (str) Indicates that the list of capabilities is
continued in the
named description. This is used primarily to share
common capability information.


/etc/remote The remote host description file resides in


Here is a short example showing the use of the capability
feature. It defines a 56k modem connection on the first se
rial port at
115200 bits per second, no parity using the Hayes command
set with standard line editing and end of file characters. The arpavax
entry includes
everything in the UNIX-57600 entry plus the phone number for
arpavax (in
this case an @ character so that it is retrieved from the
arpavax|ax: :pn=@:tc=UNIX-57600


cu(1), tip(1), phones(5)


The remote file format appeared in 4.2BSD.


The tip(1) utility uses its own notion of the serial ports
data rate
rather than the system default for a serial port.
BSD October 20, 2003
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