jfs_fsck - initiate replay of the JFS transaction log, and check and
repair a JFS formatted device
jfs_fsck [ -afnpvV ] [ -j journal_device ] [ --omit_journal_replay ] [ --replay_journal_only ] device
jfs_fsck is used to replay the JFS transaction log, check a JFS formatted device for errors, and fix any errors found.
device is the special file name corresponding to the actual device to
be checked (e.g. /dev/hdb1).
jfs_fsck must be run as root.
jfs_fsck should only be used to check an unmounted file system or a
file system that is mounted READ ONLY. Using jfs_fsck to check a file
system mounted other than READ ONLY could seriously damage the file
If no options are selected, the default is -p.
- -a Autocheck mode - Replay the transaction log. Do not continue
- fsck processing unless the aggregate state is dirty or the log replay failed. Functionally equivalent to -p. Autocheck mode is typically the default mode used when jfs_fsck is called at boot time.
- -f Replay the transaction log and force checking even if the file
- system appears clean. Repair all problems automatically.
- -j journal_device
- Specify the journal device.
- -n Open the file system read only. Do not replay the transaction
- log. Report errors, but do not repair them.
- --omit_journal_replay
- Omit the replay of the transaction log. This option should not be used unless as a last resort (i.e. the log has been severely corrupted and replaying it causes further problems).
- -p Automatically repair ("preen") the file system. Replay the
- transaction log. Do not continue fsck processing unless the aggregate state is dirty or the log replay failed. Functionally equivalent to -a.
- --replay_journal_only
- Only replay the transaction log. Do not continue with a full file system check if the replay fails or if the file system is still dirty even after a journal replay. In general, this option should only be used for debugging purposes as it could leave the file system in an unmountable state. This option cannot be used with -f, -n, or --omit_journal_replay.
- -v Verbose messaging - print details and debug statements to std
- out.
- -V Print version information and exit (regardless of any other cho
- sen options).
- Check the 3rd partition on the 2nd hard disk, print extended information to stdout, replay the transaction log, force complete jfs_fsck
checking, and give permission to repair all errors:
- jfs_fsck -v -f /dev/hdb3
- Check the 5th partition on the 1st hard disk, and report, but do not repair, any errors:
jfs_fsck -n /dev/hda5
- The exit code returned by jfs_fsck represents one of the following conditions:
- 0 No errors
- 1 File system errors corrected and/or transaction log replayed
- 2 File system errors corrected, system should be rebooted if file
system was mounted
- 4 File system errors left uncorrected
- 8 Operational error
- 16 Usage or syntax error
- 128 Shared library error
If you find a bug in JFS or jfs_fsck, please report it via the bug
tracking system ("Report Bugs" section) of the JFS project web site:
Please send as much pertinent information as possible, including the
complete output of running jfs_fsck with the -v option on the JFS
fsck(8), jfs_mkfs(8), jfs_fscklog(8), jfs_tune(8), jfs_logdump(8),
Barry Arndt (barndt@us.ibm.com)
William Braswell, Jr.
- jfs_fsck is maintained by IBM.
See the JFS project web site for more details: