lvextend - extend the size of a logical volume
lvextend [--alloc AllocationPolicy] [-A|--autobackup y|n] [-d|--debug] [-h|-?|--help] [--noudevsync] [-i|--stripes Stripes [-I|--stripesize StripeSize]] {-l|--extents [+]LogicalExtentsNum- ber[%{VG|LV|PVS|FREE|ORIGIN}] | -L|--size [+]LogicalVolumeSize[bBsSkKm- MgGtTpPeE]} [-t|--test] [-v|--verbose] LogicalVolumePath [PhysicalVol- umePath[:PE[-PE]]...]
lvextend allows you to extend the size of a logical volume. Extension
of snapshot logical volumes (see lvcreate(8) for information to create
snapshots) is supported as well. But to change the number of copies in
a mirrored logical volume use lvconvert(8).
See lvm for common options.
- --noudevsync
- Disable udev synchronisation. The process will not wait for notification from udev. It will continue irrespective of any possible udev processing in the background. You should only use this if udev is not running or has rules that ignore the devices LVM2 creates.
- -l, --extents [+]LogicalExtentsNumber[%{VG|LV|PVS|FREE|ORIGIN}]
- Extend or set the logical volume size in units of logical extents. With the + sign the value is added to the actual size of the logical volume and without it, the value is taken as an absolute one. The number can also be expressed as a percentage of the total space in the Volume Group with the suffix %VG, relative to the existing size of the Logical Volume with the suffix %LV, of the remaining free space for the specified PhysicalVolume(s) with the suffix %PVS, as a percentage of the remaining free space in the Volume Group with the suffix %FREE, or (for a snapshot) as a percentage of the total space in the Origin Logical Volume with the suffix %ORIGIN.
- -L, --size [+]LogicalVolumeSize[bBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE]
- Extend or set the logical volume size in units of megabytes. A size suffix of M for megabytes, G for gigabytes, T for terabytes, P for petabytes or E for exabytes is optional. With the + sign the value is added to the actual size of the logical volume and without it, the value is taken as an absolute one.
- -i, --stripes Stripes
- Gives the number of stripes for the extension. Not applicable to LVs using the original metadata LVM format, which must use a single value throughout.
- -I, --stripesize StripeSize
- Gives the number of kilobytes for the granularity of the
stripes. Not applicable to LVs using the original metadata LVM
format, which must use a single value throughout.
StripeSize must be 2^n (n = 2 to 9)
"lvextend -L +54 /dev/vg01/lvol10 /dev/sdk3" tries to extend the size
of that logical volume by 54MB on physical volume /dev/sdk3. This is
only possible if /dev/sdk3 is a member of volume group vg01 and there
are enough free physical extents in it.
"lvextend /dev/vg01/lvol01 /dev/sdk3" tries to extend the size of that
logical volume by the amount of free space on physical volume
/dev/sdk3. This is equivalent to specifying "-l +100%PVS" on the command line.
"lvextend -L+16M vg01/lvol01 /dev/sda:8-9 /dev/sdb:8-9"
tries to extend a logical volume "vg01/lvol01" by 16MB using physical
extents /dev/sda:8-9 and /dev/sdb:8-9 for allocation of extents.