push -- fetch mail via POP


push [-5 | --krb5] [-v | --verbose] [-f | --fork] [-l | --leave] [--from]
     [-c | --count] [--headers=headers] [-p port-spec | --port=port-spec]
     po-box filename


push retrieves mail from the post office box po-box, and stores the mail in mbox format in filename. The po-box can have any of the following formats:
If no username is specified, push assumes that it's the same as on the local machine; hostname defaults to the value of the MAILHOST environment variable.
Supported options:
-5, --krb5
use Kerberos 5 (if compiled with support for Kerberos 5)
-f, --fork
fork before starting to delete messages
-l, --leave
don't delete fetched mail
--from behave like from.
-c, --count
first print how many messages and bytes there are.
a list of comma-separated headers that should get printed.
-p port-spec, --port=port-spec
use this port instead of the default 'kpop' or '1109'.
The default is to first try Kerberos 5 authentication and then, if that
fails, Kerberos 4.


points to the post office, if no other hostname is specified.


$ push cornfield:roosta ~/.emacs-mail-crash-box
tries to fetch mail for the user roosta from the post office at ``cornfield'', and stores the mail in ~/.emacs-mail-crash-box (you are using Gnus, aren't you?)

$ push --from -5 havregryn
tries to fetch From: lines for current user at post office ``havregryn'' using Kerberos 5.


from(1), pfrom(1), movemail(8), popper(8)


push was written while waiting for movemail to finish getting the mail.
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