timed - time server daemon
timed [-M] [-t] [-d] [-i network] [-n network] [-F host1
host2 ...]
- This is a time server daemon and is normally invoked at boot
- time from
the rc(8) file. It synchronizes the host's time with the - time of other
machines in a local area network running timed 8. These - time servers
will slow down the clocks of some machines and speed up the - clocks of
others to bring them to the average network time. The aver - age network
time is computed from measurements of clock differences us - ing the ICMP
timestamp request message. - The service provided by timed is based on a master-slave
- scheme. When
timed 8 is started on a machine, it asks the master for the - network time
and sets the host's clock to that time. After that, it ac - cepts synchro
nization messages periodically sent by the master and calls - adjtime(2) to
perform the needed corrections on the host's clock. - It also communicates with date(1) in order to set the date
- globally, and
with timedc(8), a timed control program. If the machine - running the mas
ter crashes, then the slaves will elect a new master from - among slaves
running with the -M flag. A timed running without the -M or - -F flags
will remain a slave. The -t flag enables timed to trace the - messages it
receives in the file /var/log/timed.log. Tracing can be - turned on or off
by the program timedc(8). The -d flag is for debugging the - daemon. It
causes the program to not put itself into the background. - Normally timed
checks for a master time server on each network to which it - is connected,
except as modified by the options described below. It will - request syn
chronization service from the first master server located. - If permitted
by the -M flag, it will provide synchronization service on - any attached
networks on which no current master server was detected. - Such a server
propagates the time computed by the top-level master. The - -n flag, fol
lowed by the name of a network which the host is connected - to (see
networks(5)), overrides the default choice of the network - addresses made
by the program. Each time the -n flag appears, that network - name is
added to a list of valid networks. All other networks are - ignored. The
-i flag, followed by the name of a network to which the host - is connected
(see networks(5)), overrides the default choice of the net - work addresses
made by the program. Each time the -i flag appears, that - network name is
added to a list of networks to ignore. All other networks - are used by
the time daemon. The -n and -i flags are meaningless if - used together.
- Timed checks for a master time server on each network to
- which it is con
nected, except as modified by the -n and -i options de - scribed above. If
it finds masters on more than one network, it chooses one - network on
which to be a "slave," and then periodically checks the oth - er networks to
see if the masters there have disappeared. - One way to synchronize a group of machines is to use an NTP
- daemon to
synchronize the clock of one machine to a distant standard - or a radio
receiver and -F hostname to tell its timed daemon to trust - only itself.
- Messages printed by the kernel on the system console occur
- with inter
rupts disabled. This means that the clock stops while they - are printing.
A machine with many disk or network hardware problems and - consequent mes
sages cannot keep good time by itself. Each message typi - cally causes the
clock to lose a dozen milliseconds. A time daemon can cor - rect the
result. - Messages in the system log about machines that failed to re
- spond usually
indicate machines that crashed or were turned off. Com - plaints about
machines that failed to respond to initial time settings are - often asso
ciated with ``multi-homed'' machines that looked for time - masters on more
than one network and eventually chose to become slaves on - other networks.
- If two or more time daemons, whether timed or ntp, try to
- adjust the same
clock, temporal chaos will result. If both timed and anoth - er time daemon
are run on the same machine, ensure that the -F flag is - used, so that
timed never attempts to adjust the local clock. - The protocol is based on UDP/IP broadcasts. All machines
- within the
range of a broadcast that are using the TSP protocol must - cooperate.
There cannot be more than a single administrative domain us - ing the -F
flag among all machines reached by a broadcast packet. - Failure to follow
this rule is usually indicated by complaints concerning - ``untrusted''
machines in the system log.
/var/log/timed.log tracing file for timed
/var/log/timed.masterlog log file for master timed
date(1), adjtime(2), gettimeofday(2), icmp(4), timedc(8)
- R. Gusella and S. Zatti, TSP: The Time Synchronization
- Protocol for UNIX
- The timed daemon appeared in 4.3BSD.
- Linux NetKit (0.17) May 11, 1993 Linux