

strfile, unstr - create a random access file for storing


strfile [-Ciorsx] [-c char] source_file [output_file]
unstr source_file


The strfile utility reads a file containing groups of lines
separated by
a line containing a single percent `%' sign and creates a
data file which
contains a header structure and a table of file offsets for
each group of
lines. This allows random access of the strings.
The output file, if not specified on the command line, is
The options are as follows:
-C Flag the file as containing comments. This
option cases
the STR_COMMENTS bit in the header str_flags
field to be
set. Comments are designated by two delim
iter characters
at the beginning of the line, though strfile
does not give
any special treatment to comment lines.
-c char Change the delimiting character from the per
cent sign to
-i Ignore case when ordering the strings.
-o Order the strings in alphabetical order. The
offset table
will be sorted in the alphabetical order of
the groups of
lines referenced. Any initial non-alphanu
meric characters
are ignored. This option causes the STR_OR
DERED bit in
the header str_flags field to be set.
-r Randomize access to the strings. Entries in
the offset
table will be randomly ordered. This option
causes the
STR_RANDOM bit in the header str_flags field
to be set.
-s Run silently; do not give a summary message
when finished.
-x Note that each alphabetic character in the
groups of lines
is rotated 13 positions in a simple caesar
cypher. This
option causes the STR_ROTATED bit in the
header str_flags
field to be set.
The format of the header is:
#define VERSION 1
uint32_t str_version; /* version number */
uint32_t str_numstr; /* # of strings in the file
uint32_t str_longlen; /* length of longest string
uint32_t str_shortlen; /* length of shortest string
#define STR_RANDOM 0x1 /* randomized pointers */
#define STR_ORDERED 0x2 /* ordered pointers */
#define STR_ROTATED 0x4 /* rot-13'd text */
#define STR_COMMENTS 0x8 /* embedded comments */
uint32_t str_flags; /* bit field for flags */
char str_delim; /* delimiting character */
All fields are written in network byte order.
The purpose of unstr is to undo the work of strfile. It
prints out the
strings contained in the file source_file in the order that
they are
listed in the header file source_file.dat to standard out
put. It is possible to create sorted versions of input files by using -o
when strfile
is run and then using unstr to dump them out in the table


strfile.dat default output file.


byteorder(3), fortune(6)


The strfile utility first appeared in 4.4BSD.
BSD February 17, 2005
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