

curpriority_cmp, maybe_resched, resetpriority, roundrobin, roundrobin_interval, sched_setup, schedclock, schedcpu,
updatepri - perform round-robin scheduling of runnable pro


#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/proc.h>
curpriority_cmp(struct proc *p);
maybe_resched(struct thread *td);
propagate_priority(struct proc *p);
resetpriority(struct ksegrp *kg);
roundrobin(void *arg);
sched_setup(void *dummy);
schedclock(struct thread *td);
schedcpu(void *arg);
setrunnable(struct thread *td);
updatepri(struct thread *td);


Each process has three different priorities stored in struct
p_usrpri, p_nativepri, and p_priority.
The p_usrpri member is the user priority of the process cal
culated from a
process' estimated CPU time and nice level.
The p_nativepri member is the saved priority used by propagate_priority(). When a process obtains a mutex, its
priority is
saved in p_nativepri. While it holds the mutex, the pro
cess's priority
may be bumped by another process that blocks on the mutex.
When the process releases the mutex, then its priority is restored to
the priority
saved in p_nativepri.
The p_priority member is the actual priority of the process
and is used
to determine what runqueue(9) it runs on, for example.
The curpriority_cmp() function compares the cached priority
of the currently running process with process p. If the currently
running process
has a higher priority, then it will return a value less than
zero. If
the current process has a lower priority, then it will re
turn a value
greater than zero. If the current process has the same pri
ority as p,
then curpriority_cmp() will return zero. The cached priori
ty of the currently running process is updated when a process resumes
from tsleep(9)
or returns to userland in userret() and is stored in the
private variable
The maybe_resched() function compares the priorities of the
thread and td. If td has a higher priority than the current
thread, then
a context switch is needed, and KEF_NEEDRESCHED is set.
The propagate_priority() looks at the process that owns the
mutex p is
blocked on. That process's priority is bumped to the prior
ity of p if
needed. If the process is currently running, then the func
tion returns.
If the process is on a runqueue(9), then the process is
moved to the
appropriate runqueue(9) for its new priority. If the pro
cess is blocked
on a mutex, its position in the list of processes blocked on
the mutex in
question is updated to reflect its new priority. Then, the
repeats the procedure using the process that owns the mutex
just encountered. Note that a process's priorities are only bumped to
the priority
of the original process p, not to the priority of the previ
ously encountered process.
The resetpriority() function recomputes the user priority of
the ksegrp
kg (stored in kg_user_pri) and calls maybe_resched() to
force a reschedule of each thread in the group if needed.
The roundrobin() function is used as a timeout(9) function
to force a
reschedule every sched_quantum ticks.
The roundrobin_interval() function simply returns the number
of clock
ticks in between reschedules triggered by roundrobin().
Thus, all it
does is return the current value of sched_quantum.
The sched_setup() function is a SYSINIT(9) that is called to
start the
callout driven scheduler functions. It just calls the
roundrobin() and
schedcpu() functions for the first time. After the initial
call, the two
functions will propagate themselves by registering their
callout event
again at the completion of the respective function.
The schedclock() function is called by statclock() to adjust
the priority
of the currently running thread's ksegrp. It updates the
group's estimated CPU time and then adjusts the priority via
The schedcpu() function updates all process priorities.
First, it
updates statistics that track how long processes have been
in various
process states. Secondly, it updates the estimated CPU time
for the current process such that about 90% of the CPU usage is forgot
ten in 5 *
load average seconds. For example, if the load average is
2.00, then at
least 90% of the estimated CPU time for the process should
be based on
the amount of CPU time the process has had in the last 10
seconds. It
then recomputes the priority of the process and moves it to
the appropriate runqueue(9) if necessary. Thirdly, it updates the %CPU
estimate used
by utilities such as ps(1) and top(1) so that 95% of the CPU
usage is
forgotten in 60 seconds. Once all process priorities have
been updated,
schedcpu() calls vmmeter() to update various other statis
tics including
the load average. Finally, it schedules itself to run again
in hz clock
The setrunnable() function is used to change a process's
state to be
runnable. The process is placed on a runqueue(9) if needed,
and the
swapper process is woken up and told to swap the process in
if the process is swapped out. If the process has been asleep for at
least one run
of schedcpu(), then updatepri() is used to adjust the prior
ity of the
The updatepri() function is used to adjust the priority of a
process that
has been asleep. It retroactively decays the estimated CPU
time of the
process for each schedcpu() event that the process was
asleep. Finally,
it calls resetpriority() to adjust the priority of the pro


mi_switch(9), runqueue(9), sleepqueue(9), tsleep(9)


The curpriority variable really should be per-CPU. In addi
maybe_resched() should compare the priority of chk with that
of each CPU,
and then send an IPI to the processor with the lowest prior
ity to trigger
a reschedule if needed.
Priority propagation is broken and is thus disabled by de
fault. The
p_nativepri variable is only updated if a process does not
obtain a sleep
mutex on the first try. Also, if a process obtains more
than one sleep
mutex in this manner, and had its priority bumped in be
tween, then
p_nativepri will be clobbered.
BSD November 3, 2000
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