

unicode - command line unicode database query tool


unicode [options] string


This manual page documents the unicode command.

unicode is a command line unicode database query tool.


-h --help
Show help and exit.
-x --hexadecimal

Assume string to be a hexadecimal number
-d --decimal

Assume string to be a decimal number
-r --regexp

Assume string to be a regular expression
-s --string

Assume string to be a sequence of characters
-a --auto

Try to guess type of string from one of the above (default)
Maximal number of codepoints to display, default: 20; use 0 for unlimited
I/O character set. For maximal pleasure, run unicode on UTF-8 capable terminal and specify IOCHARSET to be UTF-8. unicode tries to guess this value from your locale, so with properly set up locale, you should not need to specify it.
Show hexadecimal reprezentation of displayed characters in this additional charset.
USE_COLOUR is one of on off auto
--colour=on will use ANSI colour codes to colourise the output
--colour=off won't use colours.
--colour=auto will test if standard output is a tty, and use colours only when it is.
--color is a synonym of --colour
-v --verbose

Be more verbose about displayed characters, e.g. display Unihan information, if available.
-w --wikipedia

Spawn browser pointing to Wikipedia entry about the character.


unicode tries to guess the type of an argument. For example, you can use any of the following to display information about U+00E1 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE (á):

unicode 00E1

unicode U+00E1

unicode á

unicode 'latin small letter a with acute'

You can specify a range of characters as argumets, unicode will show these characters in nice tabular format, aligned to 256-byte boundaries. Use two dots ".." to indicate the range, e.g.

unicode 0450..0520

will display the whole cyrillic and hebrew blocks (characters from U+0400 to U+05FF)

unicode 0400..

will display just characters from U+0400 up to U+04FF


Tabular format does not deal well with full-width, combining, control and RTL characters.




Radovan Garabík <garabik@melkor.dnp.fmph.uniba.sk>
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